cafe scientifique




Café Scientifique is a grassroots public science initiative, based on the French Café Philosophique model. Originating in England, the concept quickly gained popularity and was taken to other countries. Similar but independent events have also sprung up in many cities using variations of the “Café Scientifique” or “Science Café” monikers. Typically, one monthly evening meeting is organised in a café or bar to which one or several scientists are invited to talk in laymen’s terms about their work in a topical or even controversial area. The events are known for their informal and friendly atmosphere, and are believed to improve the image of scientists and careers in science. Café Scientifique aims to demystify scientific research for the general public and empower non-scientists to more comfortably and accurately assess science and technology issues, particularly those that impact on social policy making.

To know more, visit Café Scientifique or Science Cafés


Café Scientifique Bangalore

In Bangalore, Café Scientifique promises to facilitate dynamic and thought-provoking interactions between practicing scientists and interested members of the public. The essence of this café is informality and inclusivity. The meetings will take place in cafes, bars or any viable venue, but always outside of the traditional academic context. Events will typically be held once a month.

Café Scientifique Bangalore (CSB) is a voluntary movement, and is currently organised by Gerry Martin, R. Nandini and V.V. Robin. Anagh Purandare and Cara Tejpal volunteer their time towards organizing the events. Seema Shenoy and Arjuna Shankar created and maintain the website.


Information for Volunteers

CSB is always on the lookout for dynamic speakers and self-motivated volunteers.

If you’re committed to research and discovery and are interested in sharing your work with the Café Sci family, drop us an email introducing yourself/ your work. Geologists, Biologists, Physicists, Astronomers… – we want to hear more about your field of interest.

Not a scientist yourself, but know someone who would make a terrific speaker? Feel free to send us your suggestions. Be sure to include the name, affiliations and achievements of your suggested speaker.

Café Scientifique is a not-for-profit initiative and is 100% volunteer run. We need folks to record each session, host speakers, help set up venues and publicize Café Sci events. If you have time to spare and ideas to share, send us an email detailing your skills and interests.

All emails will be answered within five working days.


Other Café Scientifiques

Know of or are part of another Café Scientifiques in India ? We would love to have you on our map. Let us know who you are, so we can stay connected.

Find Cafés in other parts of the world at these links:


Want to start a Café Scientifique?

Its easy. Get a group of like-minded people to help you manage the initiative, and find a venue to host meetings. You can find advice and helpful suggestions here or here.

We can help. If you are in India and want to set up a Café, we are happy to help you with:

Send us a list of your questions and we will respond within 5 working days. Ask us anything – regarding venues, speakers, organisers, money or other details.

We can provide web space on our server, and let you customise our template to suit your Café. We will also list you on our site, allowing more people in India to find you easily.

Want to start a Café but not sure about who to invite as a speaker ? We can help you find scientists, and can set up future events to share speakers across Cafés in different towns/ cities.

We suggest you register your Café to enable more people to find you. Register on both Cafe Scientifique and Science Cafes sites, and do mail us as well, so we can add a link to you on our site as well.